Russian Media Trolls

Russian Media Trolls

Who are Russian Media Trolls?
A Russian Media Troll is someone who joins a conversation on a social media account,for instance, twitter, and begins posting controversial comments that can affect society and possibly be considered offensive. This is all done to create disharmony and to make people believe something different and not true. Therefore, it promotes disagreement, and poor feeling between people.
How does it affect society?
It may cause people to believe things that are untrue and if they start spreading fake news then it will create something unreal. It conflicts and causes malfunction that may lead to arguable topics. Hacking is illegal no doubt, but it can affect society because it is aiming for the younger generation. Also hackers can use account or personal data information to their advantage. Hacking also causes great loss to the government due to cybercrime.
How to protect yourself from being influenced?
You shouldn't believe everything you see online and be vary of clickbait headlines. We should also use reliable and trustworhty sources for gathering information. Another way we can prevent hackers is to always have a password on all of our electronic devices that are difficult to solve. Also before selling a device we should remove all personal data from our hardware. We should always be cautious of our surroundings and try not to get into a bad situation like hackers hacking your private information.
How are you a possible target?
We can be a easy possible target if we aren't secure enough with our passwords.Another thing is to pay attention to the urls of the website. You never know what can happen so you should always stay up to date on the software updates and be consious of the info you are already giving away without realizing it on the wrong webpage. The main thing hackers do is get through your password so we should ensure that our passwords have numbers or capitalized letters in them to make them distinct.
Ways to Protect Against Hackers
Hacking Impacts on Society
How Are You an Easy Target?