About Me

Hello! My name is Iman Amin and I am currently a sophomore at Brea Olinda High School.

I am very excited to learn more computer programming throughout the course of GITA 2. I am really interested in computer science and my plan is to have a major in this field. So far, we have learned so may useful and important skills throughout the past two years and I am so thankful for taking this course becuase it has taught me a lot.

Last year, in GITA 1 we learned C# using Visual Studios. That was the very basic of computer programming and we learned the basic code. This year, in GITA 2, we are learning how to code wesites using HTML,and Javascript. So far GITA has intrigued me so much and I have become more and more interested by the year. As each year gets more difficult,I just continue to learn the importance of computer science.


My Goals

My goals as a sophomore...

My goals as a sophomore require me to be very hardworking and effiecent. My academic goal is to have a 4.0 GPA, and to continue my interest in computer science and eventually have a IT major at a college. I also aspire to show society that even though computer science is a male dominated feild, many girls also have a keen interest, by continuing to take part in the Lady IT Club.


My Projects

GITA 1 & GITA 2 Projects

To view my projects from my previous and current GITA years click down below!


GITA Related Links

Click on the text below to take you to the links!

GITA 1 Projects

The link at the top of the page will take you to my GITA 1 Projects.

GITA 2 Projects

The link at the top of hte page will take you to my GITA 2 Projects.

BOHS Website

This is the link to the BOHS website.


This is the program we used in GITA 2 to make projects using HTML.ou can download it using the link.

Visual Studios

This is the program we used in GITA to make projects using C#.You can download it using the link.

GITA Student Website

This link takes you to all of the GITA student's website's.